I agree with your expressions JonJon. I think REX is either ranting or is rabid. He probably needs to update his "shot" record and get a new tetanus shot.
Utopian Reformist
JoinedPosts by Utopian Reformist
'Lost' redux
by Rex B13 inbeing lost...is of course, the usual state of things here.
what's surprising is that they (the lost) think that pulling scriptures out of context, isolating mosaic laws mean't for one purpose and one time, is somehow refuting scripture.. they like to ignore the fact that jesus is the revealed yahweh and he sets the mark, not any organisation nor any pious individual.
we relate scripture to him and we interpret scripture by his life amongst mankind.
How to recognize false prophets!
by MacHislopp inthis week the t.m.school had .
as a subject of talk n3 the following:.
*** rs 132 false prophets *** (reasonings book published in 1985).
Utopian Reformist
Excellent Work Mac! Touche!
The US has "targeted three such NGOs"
by biblexaminer infrom todays's newspaper we read.... bush's order targets bin laden's al-qaeda network and includes a list of 27 organizations and individuals identified as front groups that raise money to support his international terrorist network.
he conceded most of those on the list, including known terrorists and non-profit organizations, operate outside the u.s. .
"they often times use nice-sounding, non-governmental organizations as fronts for their activities.
Utopian Reformist
No offense biblexaminer; but you're stretching things way out there beyond reason.
Just because GW uses the word "NGO" means the WTBS is next? Sorry, as they say in basketball, that was a major "airball". No game.
Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness NEW BOOK
by Stacey ini had dinner tonight with a woman that i knew in my old congregation growing up.
she was an elder's wife, and i was friends with her daughter.
she has written a new book that is being published by prometheus books and is being released in january 2002. she will be doing upcoming radio interviews to publicize the book, and i'll post more information when i have it.
Utopian Reformist
Thx for the advance notice. I know I will add it to my collection. I have been thinking about writing my own book, less about my personal life as a witness and more from a novelist's approach.
Anyway, that's all good news!
Jay Dubs right about 1914
by FrightMare inplease study this chart very, very carefully: http://www.sru.edu/depts/artsci/ges/d-3-2.htm.
why has such an unprecedented boom in population and technology occurred during the specific time the bible points to the 'last days', 1914?
Utopian Reformist
First of all, it is not our responsibility to prove/disprove any evidence supporting the increases in technology and population in the last century.
If you believe it is directly linked to WTBS theology and/or the Bible, then offer your evidence to support it, and THEN we will respond to your evidence in order to prove or disprove your assertions.
If you are opening the discussion, then discuss. QUID FACIT HOMINUS?
NIL?"...when you see a good fight, get in it..." Dr. Vernon John
Jay Dubs right about 1914
by FrightMare inplease study this chart very, very carefully: http://www.sru.edu/depts/artsci/ges/d-3-2.htm.
why has such an unprecedented boom in population and technology occurred during the specific time the bible points to the 'last days', 1914?
Utopian Reformist
Hey "Plight-Where":
Your question is illogical. The chart does not support the question. For your sake, we will assume that earth's population has "tripled" since 1914. So what?
Hasn't communication and transportation also tripled since 1914? When humans were separated economically, geographically, with little means of communication, it was no wonder populations did not increase.
World travel, business, tourism, migrating populations, the refugee century and many other factors influenced the growth in populations. None of this is related to the magical 1914. Rather than interrogate this forum to solidify or validate pie-in-the-sky predictions, try investigating some sociological resources and research the matter from a scientific standpoint rather than a superstitous/religious frame of reference.
"...when you see a good fight, get in it..." Dr. Vernon John
The Intellectual Taliban
by FrightMare inone of threads of this tapestry is the patent absurdity of darwinian evolution.
my attacks on darwinism are not motivated in the least by any desire to defend any superstitious story of our origins.
i believe that it will soon be possible to demonstrate mathematically that darwinian evolution is impossible.
Utopian Reformist
Before indicting any member of this forum, or their beliefs in science or religion, please visit the following web site and examine some material:
First of all, you are incorrectly spreading the label of Darwinism and making broad application. There are many different viewpoints expressed within this forum concerning evolution, adaptation, etc...
Unless an orthodox Darwinist is promoting that theory in discussion with you, you are merely clashing cymbals out loud in the public square.
Jay Dubs right about 1914
by FrightMare inplease study this chart very, very carefully: http://www.sru.edu/depts/artsci/ges/d-3-2.htm.
why has such an unprecedented boom in population and technology occurred during the specific time the bible points to the 'last days', 1914?
Utopian Reformist
I examined the chart, carefully! Nowhere in the scale is 1914 marked or referenced. The apparent curve in the chart that appears in between the 1500 and 2000 increment could be anywhere from 1750-1900.
Even if 1914 were pinpointed in this chart, the last days in MT 24 had nothing to do with a population explosion. Also, the curve does not complete the alphabetic letter "J", it appears to begin the shape of the letter. Irregardless, focusing on the chart's resemblance to the letter "J" is inconsequential and superstitious for any christian interested in the biblical "last days".
British People Ask: Does America Know.....
by Englishman inbeing a sociable sort of animal i enjoy the cut and thrust of lively pub banter in the mid-evening.
however, there are only about 3 or 4 of us who take part in on-line discussion forums such as this.. time and again, because it is known that i take part in this forum, i am asked the same sort of question: .
"do americans in general realise that the uk is totally 100% behind them in this present crisis, not just the politicians, but the grass roots of the country, do they know that we feel outraged at the wtc attack, as outraged as if it had been on london?".
Utopian Reformist
When I was in the military, the unit I was assigned to did alot of traveling and training. Some of the more experienced and higher ranking enlisted personnel were fortunate enough to have been selected for "Royal Marine Comando Training School".
I had always wanted to attend that particular course. Even now, 20 years later, I receive e-mail from former comrades-at-arms who are eager to express their desire to participate. We all agree the British are a powerful, extremely loyal and fearsome ally to have in your corner at a time like the present.
I look forward to any report at all in the future that features the exploits, deeds and missions of the RCM regiments. As US Marines, we felt a strong kinship with our "Tommie" counterparts.
Three cheers for the "original green beret - earned, not issued" Her Majesty's 2nd & 3rd Royal Marine Commando Regiments!
Bush's speech -- I'll be the first to admit...
by Seeker in...it was an effective speech.
i was impressed, and thought it only fair to say so here given the recent political discussions.
Utopian Reformist
I did see the church speech, and frankly, I was not emotionally stirred or patriotically motivated. It was bland, at some points quasi-teppid and I felt distracted by the event.
I have seen all of his national addresses thus far, and last night, he was definitely better than usual. We will just disagree about his performance, and that is OK. I am looking for different leadership characteristics in his public performance, like a bit more authority and charisma.
Less stumbling through words and losing your place and thoughts. Just basic public speaking and polished communication skills.
Now about the nations he mentioned, I agree that this "if you are not with us" stuff is a little bit too "musketeerish" for my taste.